Celebrating a Decade of Transformative Impact in Agriculture!


Ten years ago this month, Hello Tractor began its journey in empowering farmers and transforming agriculture across Africa! Since then, we have been at the forefront of tech-enabled innovation in agricultural mechanization, expanding our community to a staggering 1.4 million farmers. Celebrating this milestone is particularly special to us considering that less than 30% of startups reach their tenth year. Our identity today extends beyond the sheer numbers; it is shaped by the profound impact we have made on each individual farmer in our community. We believe that the past decade has illustrated that the true essence of an idea that was initially termed as the ‘Uber of Tractors’ lies in the impact we have made in agriculture across the continent of Africa. We are proud to say that we have demonstrated our ongoing commitment to people-led agricultural transformation and woven the power of hello into the lives of 1.4 million farmers. As we celebrate this decade of progress, we reflect on the transformative impact we’ve had, not just in numbers, but in the opportunities and improvements brought to each farmer we serve.

Let’s take a look at what this has meant for our community:

You had me at “Hello!” 

tractors side to side


From our earliest days of providing services with 2 wheel tractors in Nigeria, to financing 4 wheel tractors with climate smart implements and activating our IoT-enabled marketplace in 20 countries, our drive to bring the power of hello to the people has been relentless.

Hello Empowerment: Women and Youth Revolutionizing Sustainability

Customer review

When we think about empowerment and impact beyond the numbers, we think about the individuals who are the backbone of their community and are actively becoming the future of sustainable farming; women and the youth. Through our financing product, Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG), women and young farmers in Kenya and Nigeria have been able to become tractor service providers, seeing their incomes soar by 138% and 42% respectively. This initiative has allowed them to not only earn a steady income but continues to empower them to create a future that is deeply connected to their communities and livelihood. Their stories not only break down traditional barriers but inspire a future for many that farm alongside them. 

Alongside our partners, we’re dedicated to continuously training farmers on conservation tillage, financing climate smart equipment, and experimenting with solutions such as biofuels to reduce carbon emissions. These efforts not only benefits the environment, but also boosts their productivity, profitability, and livelihood.

Hello Transformation: How Hello Tractor is Igniting the Future of Productive Farming
Hello Transformation Hello tractor 10th Anniversary

“It has improved my business as I have been able to improve the acreage I do every year. From the profits, I am able to improve my productivity to buy quality farm inputs for my farm. I am able to keep my family in a stable financial position” – Jane (Nigeria)

Since 2014, we have been on a mission to revolutionize and democratize access to mechanization services. With the power of our technology, we have digitized a staggering 3.5 million acres, unlocked 5 million metric tonnes of food production, and created 6,000+ direct jobs – and that’s just the tip on the iceberg! 

While we credit our cutting-edge technology, the true essence of our transformation lies in the hands of the real superheroes, our farmers. Let’s take a look at some of the incredible  stories and achievements of these dedicated individuals who have made this transformation possible.


Hello transformation our farmers


Hello Tomorrow: Charting a bold path for the next 10 years

Last year, we launched a bold new strategy focusing on productivity growth as our north star. Our vision? To contribute to Africa becoming the next global breadbasket to the world. Despite global economic challenges and headwinds, we remain fired up and committed to this vision! We’ll continue to expand our serviced acres, intensify our mechanization efforts for each digitized acre, and reduce barriers to productivity within our communities. Through strong partnerships and continuous innovation, we’re dedicated to building a food-secure Africa where every farmer has the tools they need to thrive.

These moments are only but a small piece of an incredible journey that has brought us to this moment. And this is just the start of our agri-venture! Throughout this month, you will hear more stories from us that highlight the remarkable achievements of our farmers and team, the groundbreaking innovations we have implemented and the exciting future we envision for Hello Tractor and our farming communities. Hello Tractor is committed to continuously spearheading agricultural transformation over the next decade, actively shaping Africa’s future as a flourishing breadbasket through innovative and sustainable agricultural practices! 

Until then…Hello Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.



Join us in the Celebration!

This June, we invite you to celebrate with us! Share the stories of our incredible farmers, use the hashtag #HelloTractorAt10, and be part of the movement that’s transforming and digitizing agriculture in Africa. Together, let’s build the next global #HT@10 #HelloTractorAt10 #YouHadMeAtHello #HelloTractorTurns10