Being called upon to be a part of an advisory body for the President of the United States is not something that happens to everyone, and that’s why we are delighted that our Founder and C.E.O, Jehiel Oliver was able to make it into the President’s Advisory Council on Doing Business In Africa.

The announcement of his appointment was made on the 20th of September, 2016 by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce, Penny Pritzker. He alongside 23 private sector leaders representing small, medium, and large companies from a variety of industry sectors will be advising the President, through the Secretary of Commerce, on ways to strengthen commercial engagement between the United States and Africa.

The PAC-DBIA majorly provides information, analysis, and recommendations on U.S.-Africa trade and investment priorities. Such priorities include job creation in both the United States and Africa, developing sustainable commercial partnerships, building entrepreneur capacity, and keeping the private sector engaged in developing policies and strategies on investment in Africa.

Jehiel currently chairs the technology subcommittee where he’s working along side others to create innovative solutions to support the missions of PAC-DBIA.

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