Tractors for Africa

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 Accra, Ghana

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About Tractors for Africa

A tractor is an incredibly beneficial tool to smallholder African farmers. Hand tillage is backbreaking work, and it takes up to 5 days to till an acre of land. Tractor tillage is much faster, removes more weeds, and improves yields by aerating soil and fostering deeper root systems. The timely tillage afforded by a tractor also allows farmers to plant on time, which is a major boost for yields. Where we operate there are limited tractor services available for hire, but they are expensive and often only become available when it is too late in the season to plant.

That’s where Tractors for Africa comes in. We refurbish unused secondhand tractors and provide them to African farmer cooperatives that are able to share in the upkeep, maintenance, and benefits of the tractor. We also provide vital implements which maximize utility of the tractor from planting to harvest. Many of these implements, such as planters and sprayers, are not available locally.

In addition to providing equipment, we provide farmers with comprehensive training on tractor use, maintenance, safety, agronomy, and agricultural business practices to sustainably increase food production and grow their business.

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Fleet Size

Operators Registered

Services We Provide


Plot Sizes We Work With: 

1 Ha+ and larger farms

Languages We Support



Countries We Support
